Advantages of Star Products


Removes welding scales with ease
Controlled metal removal
Enhanced finish with uniform smooth and satin look
Negligible Fuming
Avoids corrosion and gives complete corrosion resistance to treated surfaces

Unique Features of Star Fumeless Pickling and Passivation on Stainless Steel

Removes all kinds of scales, spot welding colours, burn spots, rust particles, discolouration, ferritic contamination without brushing or wire     grinding,and oxide scale formation caused by welding
Retains mill finish
Prevents corrosion and ensures absolute corrosion resistant
Gives a passive, flawless, clean, sterile particle-free SS surface
Deferroxyl treatment and descalement on SS is achieved forming a complete pickled and passive coating
Micro deburring gives a uniform smooth and even finishing
No change in the chemical and physical properties of the metal

Advantages of Star over Conventional Pickling and Passsivation

STAR Conventional
Metal removal may be controlled Metal removal is beyond control
Removes welding scales with ease Difficult to remove welding scales
Improved surface finish Surface finish deteriorates
Negligible fuming Heavy fuming
Can detect pin holes Cannot detect pin holes
Uniform smooth and satin like finish is achieved on the surface area Non-uniform, rough, patchy, and discoloured surface is achieved
Stops corrosion and makes the surface complete corrosion resistant Neither stops nor prevents corrosion and deteriorates the surface area